Do any of you know of any online worship services for folks in positions similar to my own? Basically, I consider myself a Christian (albeit not a Trinitarian) but I'm not really comfortable yet with attending any mainline churches.
Dead Man Joaquin
JoinedPosts by Dead Man Joaquin
Online churches/fellowships
by Dead Man Joaquin indo any of you know of any online worship services for folks in positions similar to my own?
basically, i consider myself a christian (albeit not a trinitarian) but i'm not really comfortable yet with attending any mainline churches.
Blog Updated - Please Visit!
by Dead Man Joaquin inhowdy folks,.
new blog here:
please have a look and let me know whatcha think..
Dead Man Joaquin
Thanks guys!
Blog Updated - Please Visit!
by Dead Man Joaquin inhowdy folks,.
new blog here:
please have a look and let me know whatcha think..
Dead Man Joaquin
Really? Anyone else here having the same problem? Maybe your screen resolution is set too high...
Freemasons, tied to JW's?
by hanginloose inhi all, i'm new to logon here.
i'm not a jw, or an ex-jw, so i hope you don't mind my posting.
i have had some history with studying with them.
Dead Man Joaquin
Yup. The cross and crown is a Templar symbol. The winged sun-disk is Masonic. And then there's the Great Pyramid...
The Anglicized bastardization, "Jehovah", of the "unpronounceable" Hebrew divine name, is the most important word in Freemasonry.
Also: "New World" translation... Guess what Illuminist buzzword symbolizes the "New World"?
COLUMBIA. As in 25 Columbia Heights.
Another interesting "coincidence". And "25" is the square of 5. Guess how many "points" the Watchtower logo has?
What else has 5 points?
I admit these, and other, connections could be pure coincidence... but ya gotta wonder...
Blog Updated - Please Visit!
by Dead Man Joaquin inhowdy folks,.
new blog here:
please have a look and let me know whatcha think..
Dead Man Joaquin
Howdy folks,
New blog here: Please have a look and let me know whatcha think.
what do you think about greg stafford?
by hamilcarr init seems greg stafford has disassociated himself from the watchtower society?.
do you think his new attempt to reform the society - he claims that 'christian witnesses of jah' are jehovah's witnesses - stands a chance to spur on changes or is he just 'forging' another split group that will fade out quickly?.
Dead Man Joaquin
It's sad the WT has alienated the last truly capable scholar they had. The GB doesn't even make a serious attempt at apologeticism anymore. He was the only chance they had left to be taken seriously. Oh well... it was only a matter of time.
Freemasons, tied to JW's?
by hanginloose inhi all, i'm new to logon here.
i'm not a jw, or an ex-jw, so i hope you don't mind my posting.
i have had some history with studying with them.
Dead Man Joaquin
I don't trust any organizations who operate under a veil of secrecy and elitism - Freemasonry and the Watchtower included.
Freemasons, tied to JW's?
by hanginloose inhi all, i'm new to logon here.
i'm not a jw, or an ex-jw, so i hope you don't mind my posting.
i have had some history with studying with them.
Dead Man Joaquin
The WT and the Masons have similar M.O.s in that they are both secretive organizations who will only reveal certain information to initiates. The WT's secrecy and initiation processes aren't as overt but they are undeniable.
New blog for truth-seekers
by Dead Man Joaquin in
please visit and comment.
this'll be the last time i pimp my blog, i promise ;).
Dead Man Joaquin
...well, unless you consider keeping you informed of updates "pimping", that is... ;)
New blog for truth-seekers
by Dead Man Joaquin in
please visit and comment.
this'll be the last time i pimp my blog, i promise ;).
Dead Man Joaquin
Please visit and comment. This'll be the last time I pimp my blog, I promise ;)
Bethel/Watchtower insiders especially are encouraged to apply.